IJEA Blog: Here’s how you can help student media programs hit by Hurricane Harvey
Scholastic journalism programs around the country have united to assist their Texas counterparts affected by Hurricane Harvey. Read on to learn how you and your students can join this effort.
September 25, 2017
Texas Army National Guard troops participate in Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. (Wikimedia Commons photo)
Ideally the school year gets off to a smooth start, but unfortunately this was not true for many high schools in Texas as Hurricane Harvey made landfall in late August.
Watching the events unfold in the news, many students and teachers began to wonder how they could help their fellow students and journalists.
The Texas Association for Journalism Educators has compiled a list of ways that schools and journalism programs can help the affected Texans get back on their feet.
Monetary donations, supplies or even letters of support are welcome.
If your staff has expressed an interest in helping, please fill out this form providing your information and plan to help. Completing the form is not binding, but will help TAJE match schools in need with the resources being donated.
Katie Comeford Fernandez teaches journalism and advises award-winning yearbook and digital news media programs at Phoenix Military Academy in Chicago. She is president of the Scholastic Press Association of Chicago and a member of the IJEA Board of the Directors.