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Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

2007 All-State Journalism Team

Meet Our Honorees for 2006-07


Sarah Alban
News editor
The Viking Logue newspaper
William Fremd High School
Adviser: Jennifer Meils

Zachary Aldrich
Etruscan yearbook
Glenbrook South High School
Adviser: Brenda Field

Michael Belmont
Co-editor-in-chief, sports editor
The Online Gargoyle news site
University of Illinois Laboratory High School
Adviser: Dave Porreca

Matt Gamber
Copy editor
The Prospector newspaper
Prospect High School
Adviser: Jason Block

Jenna Hazelbaker
The Oakwood Times newspaper
Oakwood High School
Adviser: Tim Lee

Tim Kennedy
The Correspondent newspaper
John Hersey High School
Adviser: Janet Levin

Jeremy Lacocque
U-High Midway newspaper
University of Chicago Laboratory High School
Adviser: Wayne Brasler

Jessica Martinson
Belvi yearbook
Belvidere High School
Adviser: Mike Doyle

Alex Ruppendahl
Managing editor, sports editor
The Central Times newspaper
Naperville Central High School
Adviser: Linda Kane

Robert Warren
Graphics and photo editor
The Statesman newspaper
Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Adviser: Barb Thill



Senior Sarah Alban, news editor of The Viking Logue at William Fremd High School, spent four years covering the news of her school, including a property tax referendum, teacher contract negotiations, a mugging – and she filed an FOI this year to see district records that showed the district had spent thousands of dollars on private investigators to follow teachers. Her adviser is Jenifer Meils.

Senior Zachary Aldrich made a commitment to include as many students as possible in his yearbook as co-editor of the Etrucscan at Glenbrook South High School. His adviser is Brenda Field.

Senior Michael Belmont, co-editor-in-chief of The Online Gargoyle, the student news publication at the University of Illinois Laboratory High School, saw his role as sports editor change dramatically this year. He and his fellow students in the Uni High journalism program decided to embrace the future by retiring the print version of the Gargoyle and publish exclusively in an online edition that was updated constantly. Belmont fond himself editing sports stories almost nightly. In addition, he contributed significantly to the writing of editorials and establishing the Gargoyle’s philosophy as an online multimedia publication. His adviser is Dave Porreca.

Senior Matt Gamber as copy editor read every story, provided feedback and helped stories go from good to great at his newspaper, The Prospector, of Prospect High School. His adviser is Jason Block.

Senior Jenna Hazelbaker, editor-in-chief of The Oakwood Times, dealt with criticisms from readers and took them to heart. Her adviser is Tim Lee.

Senior Tim Kennedy defended journalism and the First Amendment as editor-in-chief of The Correspondent at John Hersey High School. His adviser is Janet Levin.

Senior Jeremy Lacocque showed his staff at University High School in Chicago that while reading and writing can be challenging for some people, they are only “hurdles,” not blockades. His adviser is Wayne Brasler.

Senior Jessica Martinson grew from the “shy girl in the corner” to someone her staff could count on as the editor of 320-page Belvi yearbook at Belvidere High School. Her adviser is Mike Doyle.

Senior Alex Ruppendahl learned how to motivate and push his co-workers to work as hard as he does as the managing editor and sports editor of The Central Times at Naperville Central High School. His adviser is Linda Kane.

Senior Robert Warren was responsible for every graphic, photo or mug shot in The Statesman at Stevenson High School. His adviser is Barb Thill.

NOTE: In addition, Adam Weiner, a member of the 2006 All-State team, was given an Inspiration Award for his commitment to the journalism program at Rolling Meadows High School as editor-in-chief for the school’s newspaper, The Pacer. His adviser is Stan Zoller.


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2007 All-State Journalism Team