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  • The postmark deadline has passed for the 2024 IJEA Yearbook Contest! Books were to be mailed and entry forms submitted by Oct. 15. Please contact us if you ran into any problems or have questions!
  • A big thank you to everyone who attended our 2024 Fall Conference, which took place Sept. 20 at Illinois State University. The sessions were amazing! Thank you to all of our presenters! Now let's get ready for contest season!
  • High school seniors! Get your portfolios ready for the 2025 Illinois Journalist of the Year Contest! Entries will be due Feb. 15.
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Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

2005 All-State Journalism Team

Meet Our Honorees for 2004-05


Joseph Bernardoni
In-depth news features editor, columnist
U-High Midway newspaper
University of Chicago Laboratory High School
Adviser: Wayne Brasler

Mirielle Cailles
The Stinger newsmagazine
Hinsdale South High School
Adviser: Carol Park

Matthew Cawvey
Assistant editor
Tiger Tales newspaper
Herrin High School
Adviser: Jim Starnes

Hilary Dickinson
Copy editor
The Current newspaper
Hononegah High School
Adviser Dave Sennerud

Andrea Flick
Pekinois newspaper
Pekin Community High School
Adviser Melissa Bloom

James Foley
Features editor
The Central Times newspaper
Naperville Central High School
Adviser: Linda Kane

Danielle Goldman
U-High Midway newspaper
University of Chicago Laboratory High School
Adviser: Wayne Brasler

Anna Johnpeter
The Central Times newspaper
Naperville Central High School
Adviser: Linda Kane

Hillary Proctor
Gargoyle newspaper
University of Illinois Laboratory High School
Adviser: Dave Porreca

Mark Yates-White
Gargoyle newspaper
University of Illinois Laboratory High School
Adviser: Dave Porreca



Joseph Bernardoni, University High School, Chicago, is in-depth news features editor and a columnist for the U-High Midway newspaper. Comments from adviser Wayne Brasler: “[Joseph] has consistently come across with vision, steady organization, a clear eye, a strong sense of ethics and a brilliant ability to coach staff members as they report and write. Joseph is a dream to work with, cool, measured, wry and patient., but he also is exacting in his high standards. Even with five outstanding editors-in-chief, the paper simply would not have been the same without his remarkable contributions.”

Mirielle Cailles, Hindsale South High School, Darien, is editor-in-chief of The Stinger, the school’s monthly newsmagazine. Comments from adviser Carol Park: “Mirielle has brought intelligence, enthusiasm and a mature writing ability to her role as editor-in-chief. Her contributions not only make our newspaper an award-winning publication but also make it a force for change in our school and community. I can readily testify to her excellent leadership skills as well as her initiative, reliability, ability to work with others and outstanding writing skills.”

Matthew Cawvey, Herrin High School, Herrin. Matthew was assistant editor of Tiger Tales newspaper. Comments from adviser Jim Starnes: “Matt is one of the finest writers/journalists I have had in 28 years of advising a high school newspaper. Matt’s stories have typically been page-one material. He has been assigned the most challenging stories, and he has responded with stories that have been well-written, interesting, informative and in-depth. He is an intelligent, resourceful, ethical, and highly conscientious young man who is considering journalism as a potential career.”

Hilary Dickinson, Hononegah High School, Rockton, is a copy editor for The Current newspaper. Comments from adviser Dave Sennerud: “(Hilary) is one of two copy editors on our staff in charge of all content. In addition, Hilary has continued writing stories, finding a niche this year in our entertainment section where she has become a top-notch feature writer/reviewer. What impresses me most is the pride she takes in her work. This pride and determination pushes her to find the best sources, get the best quotes, write the best stories she can and publish the perfect page.”

Andrea Flick, Pekin Community High School, Pekin, is editor-in-chief of Pekinois newspaper. Comments from adviser Melissa Bloom: “I have found [Andrea] to have a very strong foundation of understanding for research, interviewing and the fundamentals of journalistic writing. This year Andrea has essentially been the backbone of our publication. Her inquisitive nature coupled with her passion for writing has been instrumental in helping our paper to become more successful this year. She is also a wonderful section leader who takes the time to guide the members of the staff and offer suggestions.”

James Foley, Naperville Central High School, Naperville, is features editor of The Central Times newspaper. Comments from adviser Linda Kane: “He is truly one of my all-time favorite people! He is one of the most hard-working, devoted, talented and sensitive young men I have known in my 30 years as an educator. [As the staffer in charge of our monthly center spread] James combines his reporting and writing skills with his eye for design and color to make an amazing package each issue. One of James’ most endearing qualities is his sensitivity to others. He generously gives of himself, putting others first, even if it causes him to get behind with his own work.”

Danielle Goldman, University High School, Chicago, is editor-in-chief of U-High Midway newspaper. Comments from adviser Wayne Brasler: “Watching Danielle help reporters plan their work, then mentor them as they wrote, rewrote and rewrite was a joy. She kept stressing the high level of work necessary and never lost her temper when it wasn’t being produced. Daniel is gentle but not afraid to insist staff members meet their work and ethical obligations. She is a top-level researcher, reporter and writer exacting about detail and accuracy.”

Anna Johnpeter, Naperville Central High School, Naperville, is editor-in-chief of The Central Times newspaper. Comments from adviser Linda Kane: “[Anna] has written just about every type of story imaginable: news, feature, sports, reviews, editorials. She has worked with younger writers. She has gracefully guided this year’s staff from PageMaker to InDesign. She has stayed hours upon hour before, during, and after school, helping her fellow editors to perfect their copy and page designs. She is, in short, amazing. She can skillfully handle the day-to-day operations of a 16-page paper, but more importantly, she effectively handles conflicts and disputes.”

Hillary Proctor, University of Illinois Laboratory High School, Urbana, is co-editor-in-chief of the Gargoyle newspaper. Comments from adviser Dave Porreca: “Hillary has been the rock-solid leader that all publications need. Every student on the Gargoyle staff looks to Hillary for advice when covering a difficult story and when dealing with difficult sources. She is our ‘go-to’ person. Her calm, unflappable demeanor probably has a lot to do with her appeal. The fact that she is immensely talented doesn’t hurt, either. Even so, she is willing to do the unglamorous grunt work necessary to put out a first-rate publication. When she believes she is right, she will dig in and resist all attempts to intimidate her.”

Mark Yates-White, University of Illinois Laboratory High School, Urbana, is co-editor-in-chief of the Gargoyle newspaper. Comments from adviser Dave Porreca: “Mark is the quintessential all-around performer. He writes like a dream — news, features, reviews, opinion columns. But more importantly he knows how to help other students improve their own writing. During coaching sessions he points out flaws in a writer’s approach to a story and suggests ways to fix things. During the editing process, he reads a first draft and immediately recognizes a structural weakness in a story. Mark also is an outstanding photographer, the best on the staff.”


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2005 All-State Journalism Team