IJEA selects All-State Journalism Team for 2017
Congratulations to the Illinois journalists who are MVPs for their student media staffs

The All-State Journalism Team began in spring of 2005, when the Illinois Journalism Education Association recognized a need to honor those students who have proven themselves indispensable to their respective school media (e.g., yearbook, print or online newspaper, print or online newsmagazine, broadcast or other journalist media).
The students named to the All-State team are considered by their staffs and advisers as “most valuable players” — those students whose leadership, energy, dedication and expertise make their publications possible but whose main contributions often occur behind the scenes.
This award elevates student journalists who’ve put their publications ahead of themselves. They’re the ones who are willing to sacrifice their spare time to make sure other people’s stories are well edited. They’re the ones who make sure a publication’s pages are smartly designed, the headlines witty, the photos well composed, the website up to date and easy to navigate, the videos smoothly produced and the information in every story accurate. They’re the ones who don’t seek recognition but deserve it most of all.
Students selected for the All-State Team will be honored at the IJEA Luncheon in Springfield on June 3.
The 2017 All-State Journalism Team:
Grace Berry Prospect Jason Block, adviser
Danielle Ericksson Hersey Janet Levin, adviser
Lexi Haskell Naperville Central Keith Carlson, adviser
Brady Johnson Washington Community Jennifer Reiser, adviser
Clarrissa Kirkpatrick Thornton Fractional South Christopher Jones, adviser
Elizabeth Lindqwister Richwoods Dan Kerns, adviser
Marissa Martinez Uni-Chicago Logan Aimone, adviser
Madeline Moffett Huntley Dennis Brown, adviser
Dhvanii Raval Conant David Gwizdala, adviser
Logan Thoms Okawville Dana Donovan, adviser
Natalie White Downers Grove North Liz Levin, adviser
To nominate an MVP from your publication for next year, visit the All-State Journalism Team nomination page and submit it by March 15, 2018.