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  • The postmark deadline has passed for the 2024 IJEA Yearbook Contest! Books were to be mailed and entry forms submitted by Oct. 15. Please contact us if you ran into any problems or have questions!
  • A big thank you to everyone who attended our 2024 Fall Conference, which took place Sept. 20 at Illinois State University. The sessions were amazing! Thank you to all of our presenters! Now let's get ready for contest season!
  • High school seniors! Get your portfolios ready for the 2025 Illinois Journalist of the Year Contest! Entries will be due Feb. 15.
  • Advisers! Join IJEA today! Annual memberships and lifetime memberships are available. Use our online form or fillable PDF to join!
Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA


 IJEA Calendar of Upcoming Events:

Dec. 1, 2009 Deadline for JEA’s First Amendment Press Freedom Award
Jan. 3, 2010 IL First Amendment Center and IL Press Foundation Deadline for “Freedom of Speech” Poster Contest for IL High School Students (grades 9-12)
Feb. 1, 2010 IJEA Deadline for Journalist of the Year portfolio to Illinois State Director Randy Swikle
Feb. 21-27, 2010 Scholastic Journalism Week
Feb. 27, 2010 IJEA Executive Board Meeting (10:30 AM -3 PM) Peoria, IL
Mar. 1, 2010 Deadline for nominations for JEA “Cornerstone Award”
Mar. 1, 2010 IJEA Deadlines for “All-State Journalism Team” nominations to Sally Turner, “Administrator of the Year” nominations to James Tidwell
Mar. 3, 2010 SISPA (Southern Illinois School Press Association) Conference, SIU-Carbondale
Mar. 5-6, 2010 KEMPA (Kettle Moraine Press Association) Winter Advisers’ Seminar, (John Cutsinger, Speaker) Abbey Resort, Fontana, WI
Mar. 15, 2010 Deadline for nominations for JEA “Aspiring Young Journalists Award”
Mar. 15, 2010 Deadline for state directors to submit “Journalist of the Year” entries to JEA
Mar. 29, 2010 IHSA Deadline for Submitting School List of Participants for Journalism Contests
Apr. 14-18, 2010 JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention in Portland, OR
Apr. 23, 2010 NISPA (Northern Illinois School Press Association) Conference at College of Du Page
Apr. 24, 2010 IHSA Journalism Sectional Contests
April 30, 2010 IHSA State Journalism Finals, Buzzard Building, EIU Charleston, IL
May 1, 2010 IJEA Deadline for “Friend of IL High School Journalism Award” to Heather Snapp
June 5, 2010 IJEA Executive Board Meeting and “IJEA All-State Journalism Team Award Luncheon” Springfield, IL (Location TBA)
July 1, 2010 Deadline for nominations for JEA “Carl Towley Award, Administrator of the Year, Medal of Merit, Friend of Scholastic Journalism Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, Ryan White Excellence in Journalism Award.”
Sept. 10, 2010 Illinois State High School Press Association Conference, U. of I., Urbana, IL
Sept. 10, 2010 IJEA Executive Board Meeting at ISHSPA Fall Conference, Illini Union, U. of I, Urbana, IL. Time TBA (Lunch 11:20 AM – 12:20 PM)
Nov. 11-14, 2010 JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in Kansas City, MO
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