Contact Us
We Want to Hear from You!
Illinois Journalism Education Association
2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62704
As listed below, you can contact us at the Illinois Journalism Education Association in a variety of ways, including social media. But don’t forget our website. We welcome your online comments!
Contact Our Adviser Helpline
If you have a question or problem, let us know by using our Adviser Helpline. Our executive director or another board member will be in touch with you within 24 hours.
Request Help or Advice | IJEA Adviser Helpline
Contact Our Executive Director
The IJEA executive director is Linda Jones, retired professor of journalism at Roosevelt University in Chicago. She can be reached by email or phone:
Linda Jones | | 773-771-8582
Contact Our Officers
You can reach our president, vice president, co-secretaries and treasurer by email at the addresses below:
Keith Carlson, CJE
Naperville Central High School
Vice President
Jennifer Reiser, CJE
Washington Community High School
Susan Bookless
Galena High School
Katherine Calder
Yorkville High School
Contact Our Website Manager
Dave Porreca, CJE, is our website manager, and he would be glad to answer your question about our site. He is currently the communications and social media specialist for Elmwood Park Community Unit School District 401. For 15 years, he was the journalism teacher and news media adviser at the University of Illinois Laboratory High School in Urbana. You can reach him here:
Dave Porreca, CJE |
Contact Us at Our General Email Address
If you’re not sure to whom you should direct your message, you can reach us at this address:
Illinois JEA via Email |
Find Us on Social Media
You can find us on social media. Follow us, like us, engage with us!
Illinois JEA on Twitter | @IllinoisJEA
Illinois JEA on Facebook |
Find Us at Our Website
During the school year we post items on our website. Bookmark us!
Illinois JEA on the Web |
Find Us in Person
Stop by if you’re in Springfield!
Illinois Journalism Education Association
2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62704