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  • Our 2025 Newspaper & Digital News Media Contest is now open for entries! Advisers, we want to recognize your students' great work! Deadline is March 15.
  • Congratulations to IJEA Executive Director Linda Jones on receiving the national JEA's Lifetime Achievement Award! She will be honored at the 2025 Spring JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in Seattle.
  • Congratulations to IJEA member Leslie Fireman, journalism adviser at West Chicago High School, on winning the national JEA's Rising Star Award! She was honored at the 2024 Fall JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in Philadelphia.
  • Congratulations to IJEA Hall of Fame member Stan Zoller, MJE, on being the inaugural winner of the National JEA's Candace and John Bowen Adviser First Amendment Leadership Award! He was honored at the 2024 Fall JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in Philadelphia.
  • It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Sarah Doerner, IJEA’s longest-serving president. Sarah died Nov. 29 in Du Quoin at the age of 86. Services were held Dec. 7. See below for our tribute to this great journalism educator.
  • Advisers! Join IJEA today! Annual memberships and lifetime memberships are available. Use our online form or fillable PDF to join!
Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Illinois Journalism Education Association, 2501 Chatham Road, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62704

Illinois JEA

Journalism Links

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Links to a Variety of Useful Journalism Sites


National High School Journalism Organizations


Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA)

CSPA is an international student press association, founded in 1925, whose goal is to unite student journalists and faculty advisers at schools and colleges through educational conferences, idea exchanges, textbooks, critiques and award programs.

Journalism Education Association (JEA)

The Journalism Education Association, Inc., is the only independent national scholastic journalism organization for teachers and advisers. Founded in 1924, JEA is a volunteer organization. Among other things, the website provides information for high school students and teachers about upcoming contests and conventions.

National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA)

In 1921, NSPA began helping students and teachers improve their publications. Today that goal remains #1. We help students become better reporters, writers, editors, photographers, designers, desktop publishers, and advertising and business staffers. We help advisers as well. Our members become future leaders in the fields of media and communications. This site includes journalism resources for students and teachers as well as information about upcoming contests, conventions and workshops.

Quill and Scroll

Quill and Scroll was organized April 10, 1926, by a group of high school advisers for the purpose of encouraging and recognizing individual student achievement in journalism and scholastic publication. This site includes information about the organizations publications, scholarships and contests.


Resource Sites Specifically for High School Journalists & Advisers


American Press Institute’s Student Journalism Resources

This collection of resources, curated by the nonprofit American Press Institute, is an excellent starting point for both students and advisers who are new to journalism or who want to brush up on the basics before getting down to more advanced work. Sections include “Journalism Essentials” and “Press Ahead: A Teacher’s Guide to Creating Student Newspapers.”

Dow Jones News Fund

The Dow Jones News Fund was founded in 1958 by editors of The Wall Street Journal to improve the quality of journalism education and the pool of applicants for jobs in the newspaper business. It provides internships and scholarships to college students, career literature, fellowships for high school journalism teachers and publications’ advisers and training for college journalism instructors. The Fund is a nonprofit foundation supported by the Dow Jones Foundation, Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and other newspaper companies.

JEA Digital Media

How to keep up with the digital innovations that have changed the journalism world so dramatically? This site — — is the place to start. It’s run by JEA’s Digital Media Committee and edited by Aaron Manfull, former Dow Jones News Fund National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year. In Manfull’s words: “’s goal is to educate JEA high school advisers and their students about relevant areas of digital media. Digital media includes, but is not limited to: Web sites, podcasts, blogs, broadcasts, social networks, etc.” Without a doubt, bookmark this site! Better yet, sign up for email notification of new posts. It’s worth it.

JEA Scholastic Press Rights Commission

This site — — provides essential resources on scholastic media law and ethics. Along with the Student Press Law Center’s website (see link below), this should be bookmarked by every high school media adviser and student journalist. If knowledge is power, then knowledge of one’s legal rights is arguably the greatest power of all.

New York Times’ Learning Network: Teaching and Learning About Journalism

An outstanding collection of resources from The New York Times for student journalists and their teachers. As the collection’s curator, Holly Epstein Ojalvo, put it: “In my years as a journalism teacher and high school newspaper adviser, I found nothing more valuable for teaching the craft than showing students how the professionals do it. From interviewing and reporting to photography and page design to making ethical decisions and exerting First Amendment rights, newspapers like The New York Times were our models.” — ASNE’s Youth Journalism Initiative

The American Society of Newspaper Editors site offers resources for high school journalism teachers and students. It has links to set up a free high school newspaper web site, resources for high school journalists, advice for teachers, and advice on journalism careers.

Student Press Law Center

The Student Press Law Center is an advocate for student free-press rights and provides information, advice and legal assistance at no charge to the students and the educators who work with them.


Yearbook Company Sites


Herff-Jones Yearbook Co.

A link to the yearbook company. It provides information about the company and resources for its high school yearbook customers.

Jostens Yearbook Co.

Minneapolis-based Jostens, founded in 1897, is a leading provider of high school yearbooks. The website gives information about Jostens products and resources for its customers.

Lifetouch Yearbooks

Lifetouch Publishing, a division of Lifetouch, specializes in yearbook creation and commercial printing. The website features information about products and advice to customers. It also has a section with a number of yearbook covers.

Taylor Publishing Co.

Taylor Publishing Company is one of the nation’s largest yearbook publishers. Its site provides information about its products and resources for its customers.

Walsworth Publishing Co.

Walsworth Publishing Company is one of the country’s largest yearbook companies. Its site provides information about their products and resources for its customers.


General Interest Journalism Sites


First Amendment Center

The Newseum Institute’s First Amendment Center, with offices at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. and at the John Seigenthaler Center, on the Vanderbilt University campus, in Nashville, Tenn., serves as a forum for the study and exploration of free-expression issues through education, information and entertainment. The Center has become one of the most authoritative sources of news, information and commentary in the nation on First Amendment-related developments, as well as detailed reports about U.S. Supreme Court cases involving the First Amendment, and commentary, analysis and special reports on free expression, press freedom and religious-liberty issues.

Freedom Forum

The Freedom Forum, based in Arlington, Va., is a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people. The foundation focuses on three priorities: the Newseum, the First Amendment and newsroom diversity. The Freedom Forum funds the operations of the Newseum, an interactive museum of news under construction in Washington, D.C.; the First Amendment Center; and the Diversity Institute. The site features a great look at newspaper front pages from across the country as well as numerous journalism resources.

Journalist’s Toolbox

The Society of Professional Journalists (see link below) provides a number of resources that are useful to journalists.


A link to the website of the first interactive museum of news. Located in Washington, D.C., the Newseum champions the five freedoms of the First Amendment through exhibits, public programs and education. Established and supported in part by the Freedom Forum, the Newseum is a 501(c)(3) public charity funded by individuals, corporations and foundations.

Poynter Institute

The Poynter Institute is a school for journalists, future journalists, and teachers of journalists. No matter what their job title may be, journalists come to Poynter in a search for excellence. The site has great journalism resources and links to even more. If you’re looking for some type of journalism information, odds are you will find it here.

Society of Professional Journalists

The website of the Society of Professional Journalists. It provides information about the organization and some journalism resources.


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